For the Record - Week of Mar. 14, 2025

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Kimmo Rosenthal, professor emeritus of mathematics, has had his essay "Djuna's Spleen" published in the literary magazine The RavensPerch. The essay considers the fiction of Djuna Barnes - her classic novel "Nightwood" and recently published collection of short stories I am Alien to Life - from the perspective of Baudelaire's notion of "spleen".

The Mellon Foundation has awarded the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) a grant of $150,000 to help launch the recently formed Center for Humanities Communication (CHC). Christine Henseler, professor of Spanish, serves as co-founder and co-president of the CHC.

Jennifer Fredricks, professor of psychology, published a paper entitled, "Groups, goals, and growth: How peer acceptance shapes student development in co-curricular activities", in the British Journal of Educational Psychology, with a colleague at the National Institute of Education in Singapore.

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